Alkmaar - Nederland




De omgeving

Energy Innovation Park heeft in korte tijd diverse bedrijven uit de energiebranche aangetrokken. In hoog tempo worden projecten ontwikkeld die van betekenis kunnen zijn voor andere bedrijven in dit gebied.


Energy Innovation Park biedt bedrijven die actief zijn in de energiebranche de ruimte om te groeien in een hoogwaardige en innovatieve omgeving.

Bekijk onze locaties >


Energy Innovation Park offers companies active in the energy sector the space to grow in state-of-the-art and innovative environment.

Bekijk onze locaties >

Energy innovation center

Het center is de locatie voor ondernemers en kennisontwikkelaars om in een state-of-the-art omgeving energie-innovaties te testen en te demonstreren.

Bekijk onze locaties >

“Together with TAQA we looked at possibilities to relocate our business. Within nine months we succeeded in creating a design and construction plan, secured the necessary funding, filed for permits, and began construction.”

Directeur P. Kat, Technobis.

The Energy Innovation Center is the place for the demonstration of new technologies. The bringing together of different parties creates important synergies. An important step in marketing innovation!

The Facilities factsheet gives background information about the specific technical aspects of Energy Innovation Park.

With its ideal location and nearness to the beach, polders and city, Energy Innovation Park lets you get established in an attractive living and working atmosphere.

Together with TAQA we looked at possibilities to relocate our business. Within nine months we succeeded in creating a design and construction plan, secured the necessary funding, filed for permits, and began construction.

INVESTA is the place to demonstrate new technologies in the field of biomass gasification.  Synergies are created by cooperation of new companies and institutes. An important step in bringing innovation to the market!

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