Alkmaar - Nederland


Connected to a high-value energy infrastructure
Linked to the gas roundabout of Northwest Europe


Energy Innovation Park is a state-of-the-art infrastructure that is situated near the gas treatment facility of Gas Storage Bergermeer, which is part of the gas roundabout  in Northwest Europe.

Companies that establish themselves here can be connected directly to a high-value energy infrastructure such as:

  • Heating grid for a supply of high-value waste heat that can be used to meet your immediate heating demands
  • National distribution network of Gasunie for both high and low caloric gas
  • Electrical power grid of Tennet (150 kV)

The high-value energy infrastructure is one of the most important and unique features of Energy Innovation Park, because the presence of such a network represents an attractive savings on investment costs.


An International network
Energy Innovation Park offers small and medium-sized businesses – from within the Netherlands and abroad – direct access to the top, global players in the energy development sector. This sets it apart from other locations in the Netherlands.

Responsive to strict permit requirements
The Park has been created to accommodate companies that are confronted with strict permit requirements in the categories BRZO, BEVI, and PGS 15. For these companies, there are safety zone possibilities and they are available in spaces for environment categories 1 through 4.


De omgeving

Energy Innovation Park heeft in korte tijd diverse bedrijven uit de energiebranche aangetrokken. In hoog tempo worden projecten ontwikkeld die van betekenis kunnen zijn voor andere bedrijven in dit gebied.


Different companies have established themselves at the Energy Innovation Park. Read more about what they are saying.

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The Center is the location for entrepreneurs and knowledge developers to test and demonstrate energy innovations in a state-of-the-art environment.

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Energy Innovation Park offers companies active in the energy sector the space to grow in state-of-the-art and innovative environment.

Bekijk onze locaties >

The Facilities factsheet gives background information about the specific technical aspects of Energy Innovation Park.

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